We use the finest ethically sourced ingredients. All supplies are sustainably wild harvested or cultivated certified organic or pesticide free, biodynamic, or “cultivated without chemicals”.
Ingredients: Cocoa butter, coconut oil, bentonite clay, baking soda, echinacea powder, triphala, turmeric, clove powder, ginger powder, cinnamon powder, and cardamom and fennel essential oils.
2 ounce jar
$15.00 contact Bobbi to order
I have been experimenting with making toothpastes for over 10 years, finally I found the perfect toothpaste.
Recent research shows cocoa to effective at reducing dental caries and fighting tooth decay. A much better option than brain toxic, pineal gland calcifying fluoride! Eating 80% or higher dark chocolate, or cacao nibs will infer the benefits as well, however sugary chocolate will not. After reading this study I experimented using cocoa butter in my toothpaste along with herbs that are good for oral health. And it works! Tastes good, cleans my teeth well, and protects both teeth and mouth from bacteria. Enjoy the taste of cocoa and cinnamon as you brush your teeth.
I also added clay to pull out toxins, baking soda to help whiten teeth, and a mix of herbs and essential oils to fight oral bacteria, help to whiten teeth, and improve the taste.